How I get it...

Principles on Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React.js

DJ CHARTS a Sinatra App

I just finished my Sinatra section project. I must say I had a lot of fun working on it.

My first RUBY CLI-GEM Project

Last night I finished my first Flatiron School project. It’s a Command Line Interface (CLI) Ruby Gem. It was a challenging project, but more than that, it was a fun project!

Simple Arrays

An Array is collection of data. Think of an Array as a container where you can store pieces of information.

Why I decided to learn Software Development

I was born in Colombia. I remember the first time my dad brought a computer to our house. All I did then was to try and figure out that thing. My neighbors and friends will come and visit and we would sit there for hours playing with it. After they’ll leave, I would spend the whole night on it. I became a bit obsessed with it and it was then when I decided I would like to study Computer Science.